A Goldilocks Story
Goldilocks traces its roots back to 1966 when Filipino-Chinese sisters, Milagros Leelin Yee and Clarita Leelin Go,
and their sister-in-law Doris Wilson Leelin, opened their first Goldilocks store on the ground floor of a three-story
building along Pasong Tamo Street in Makati. A decade later, Goldilocks opened its first store in the United States,
Los Angeles, and in 1991, Goldilocks launched a franchising program that led to the openings of hundreds of
Goldilocks' stores in Metro Manila, Philippines. This takes us back to the collaboration and complementary talents of the
women whose collective love for good food has fueled what has been transformed into the global enterprise today.
The Goldilocks Fairytale
The third sister, Maria Flor, suggested that they name the enterprise "Goldilocks", after the character in a fairy tale.
The intention behind it was to make it easier for children and their mothers to remember the bakeshop's name. It also
suggests luck and prosperity.
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